Dark Times 4
Dark Sprite
Much of my work celebrates light, colour and life. ‘Dark Times’ deviates towards the dark, the monochromatic and mortality. The series includes motifs concerning beauty, impermanence, decay, mortality and religious doctrine, The work is being shot during the Covid-19 pandemic here in the UK and the series continues with the uncertainty of what is still to come....
I do accept that there are those who may find the images disturbing or challenging. I care deeply and passionately about animal welfare and actively support the cause. Virtually all of the subjects are habitat, barn and house finds. No lives are harmed in the making of these images, including my own.
Pablo Picasso: "And then I understood what painting really meant. It's not an aesthetic process; it's a form of magic that interposes itself between us and the hostile universe, a means of seizing power by imposing a form on our terrors as well as on our desires. The day I understood that, I had found my path" |